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Composite Shape definition is required when the cross-section type in StructuralCrossSection sheet is set as "General".
For manufactured types of a cross-section, is Composite Shape Definition is optional, offering the possibility to share detailed shape definition, for better classification of the profile.
Material name #
yes, if polygon is not opening
Name reference to the existing StructuralMaterial object
Polygon contour #
-75.0; 105.0| -175.0; 5.0| 175.0; 5.0| 75.0; 105.0
yes (at least one)
This attribute is used to define the cross-section geometry as a polygon contour.
One cross-section shape can consist of more polygons.
Openings contour are defined clockwise.
Common polygons counterclockwise.
The format of the data is:
y1; z1
Unique attribute designation
The symbol "#" means indexing of the name columns, depends on how many polygons is used, starts from 1
The contour defined clockwise is opening
The contour defined counter clockwise is polygon of the general cross-section (relation between LCS and counter clockwise direction is shown below)
Each polygon has a defined material which is name reference to existing material in StructuralMaterial sheet
The opening has no material definition
Each polygon contour has to be closed
The set of all polygons and openings defines one general cross-section (one row in the Excel table)
The number of polygons is limited to 99. The definition of the general shape has to consist of at least one polygon which is not the opening.
CompositeShapeDef example with opening is shown below. A,B,C,D are defining the contour of cross-section (counter clockwise polygon) and E,F,K,L are defining the opening (clockwise polygon).